
Diskuse o hudebních stylech, kapelách, hudebních nástrojích, technice hry, aj.

Téma: Mikrofony - PG58 X SM48

9.1.2003 17:21 [Jirka S]
Mikrofony - PG58 X SM48 - Kategorie Nahrávání > Hardware
rad bych se zeptal, jake mate zkusenosti z temito typy mikrofonu - PG58 a SM48. Prave se mezi jednim z nich rozhoduji. Nevim, ktery by byl vhodnejsi na domaci nahravani zpevu. Predem diky za radu... Jirka

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10.1.2003 10:10 [Sandon]
nevim, SM48 je drazsi a mozna vic podobnej SM58. Pokud nechces jit do SM58 (je jen asi o 1k drazsi), tak bych sel do SM48 - mozna bude mit trosku "pruzracnejsi" zvuk nez SM58 (ale to jen soudim z grafu a to nic neznamena...)
18.1.2003 22:37 [vasek]
Mam takovej dotaz k mikrofonum - slyseli jste nekdy o tom, ze by se odvaril dynamickej mikrofon v kopaku? Jeden kluk,co mi pucil par mikrofonu me zaprisahl,abych ten v kopaku prikryl jeste 1 cm molitanu,ze prej jinak by to ten mikrak nezvlad. Me se to moc nezda - ne snad ze bych tomu teoreticky rozumel,ale uz jsem hral s hodne zvukarema a nikdy zadnej takovou vec nedelal.
19.1.2003 1:32 [Lukas]
Re: vasek
a ja si vzdycky myslel, ze ten molitan se dava na mikraky jenom pro zpevaky, co prskaj jako vztekly :)
19.1.2003 12:55 [majk]
Re: vasek
to bylo asi proto, ze se o svoje mikraky bal... jinej duvod nevidim..
20.1.2003 10:07 [Sandon]
Re: vasek
muzu te ubezpecit, ze "1cm molitan" nema na takovou vec vliv :o)))) treba kopakovej Shure Beta52 ma uvedeny maximalni SPL (sound pressure level) 174dB!!! Takze to bys klidne mohl narvat i do trysek Saturnu5 a porad bys mel fajn zvuk! A mimochodem - i u citlivych kondenzatorovych mikraku neznamena prekroceni SPL zniceni mikraku - akorat ten zvuk bude zkreslenej (to sem nekolikrat zazil)... molitan funguje jako "pop filter" - redukuje "p" a "b", ale muze zpusobit ubytek vysek. Ve slapaku bych ho vubec nepouzil...
20.1.2003 10:07 [Sandon]
no a tady je to "potvrzeny" :o))))

Part of this misunderstanding is that guitar, keyboard, and bass amplifiers sound very loud to our ears. And while they routinely put out SPLs in excess of 100 dB, most good microphones can handle 120, 130, or even up to 150 dB SPL before distortion begins to show in the output signal. But just because you hear distortion in the microphone, this does not mean that you are damaging it!

20.1.2003 10:12 [Sandon]
Modern condenser mics cannot be harmed by high sound pressure levels (SPLs) found in the studio. Still, there is no need to blow directly onto the diaphragm to see if a mic is working and present on the console. Normal speech is the best test, as only scratching the mics by rubbing a fingernail against the grille may not show a dropped cable leg or even gross distortion. Also, pop testing can produce SPLs at the capsule that exceed 140 dB, which may damage your studio speakers.

With older microphone types, be aware that some diaphragms can indeed be damaged by excessively high SPLs. The Neumann M50, KM53, KM54, KM56, SM2, SM23, KM88 and TLM50 all have nickel diaphragms that can be damaged by high SPLs. Also, older U47s and M49s may still have PVC diaphragms, which become brittle with age. Even transporting microphones from one part of the studio to another and the subsequent rush of air over the capsules can cause huge SPLs at the diaphragms. When moving the mics from place to place, enclose them in a case, a box or even a plastic bag.

ale tohle se tyka kondenzatorovych mikrofonu, ktery sou citlivy na mechanicky zachazeni, dynamicky mikraky vydrzi snad vsechno :o)

22.1.2003 10:53 [vasek]
Prave, taky si to myslim.Dik
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