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Téma: Why Aren't You a Better Guitarist?

2.12.2004 10:25 [matko]
Why Aren't You a Better Guitarist? - Kategorie Ostatní
The Five Things to Forget

1. You should be a well rounded player and learn lots of different styles of music to become a good guitarist. This is one of the most ridiculous statements I have ever heard on the subject. Segovia (the classical guitar master) wasn't well rounded - he didn't waste his time to master jazz or bluegrass for example. Yngwie Malmsteen didn't study intense jazz guitar. Most great jazz guitarists don't study classical guitar or heavy metal guitar. Stevie Ray Vaughn never learned to play fusion or metal. Great country players usually don't study Progressive Rock. Of course there are examples of players that do learn and play in more than one or two styles, but most of the really great guitarists are known for the style they focused on.

They are masters of their style, they are specialists, not a jack-of-all-trades type of player. Don't listen to people who say something like, "You must learn blues before you can learn heavy metal or classical guitar." You do not have to be well rounded.

The only time one needs to learn lots of different styles of music is because your goals REQUIRE it. If you truly love a lot of styles and want to learn them all, then go ahead and do that. If you want to be a studio musician or a jobber, then you will need that versatility. Its very hard to be REALLY good at many styles.

2.You should be able to play all the techniques of the guitar. Van Halen did tapping but not with all his fingers as others have done. He didn't play finger style much either, but we still regard him as an important guitarist, the same thing can be said for Vai and many others. Classical guitar master John William's probably doesn't play well with a guitar pick (I am assuming this to be true, I have no proof of it), but he is considered one of the greatest classical guitarists alive today.

Skills like improvisation, songwriting and playing with a guitar pick or not going to be high on his list of skills to acquire. This is because classical guitarists generally don't do those things - and don't need to to be great at what they do. These players are great players in their own ways and they have spent many years developing their skills. Learning everything about guitar playing would have taken away precious practice time from the things they needed to focus on to reach their goals.

3. Teaching yourself is the best way to be original. This is so obviously false its hard to believe that anyone could actually believe it - yet some people still do. Don't fall into the trap of thinking this is the best way to learn. This is the most close-minded philosophy I can think of. Musical skills are tools. One should want to obtain and master as many of these tools as will be needed to reach your goals. Doing that alone won't work well and even if it does eventually work, it will take 10 times as long! Besides, how will you know if what you are trying to do is original if you don't learn about what has already been done?

4. To be GREAT means I have to be BETTER than everybody else. We already touched on this one above, but it is worth mentioning again here. What matters is reaching YOUR goals, not someone else's goals. Who cares if you are or are not better than someone else? This is not the Olympics. Music is the art of expression (or for some people, the science of entertainment).

5. You need natural talent to be a great (or even a good) musician. Don't believe this. It is true that some people possess more natural abilities in one or skill or another. For example, some athletes are naturally fast sprinters. Others are great marathon runners. Others can swim faster or longer. Others can jump higher. Others are stronger. Others are smarter. Others have faster reflexes. Others can through a football better. Others can shoot a basketball better, etc. The point is athletes with great abilities have them usually in one area. For example, Michael Jorden (arguably the world's greatest basketball player of all time) was not very successful when he tried to play baseball (or golf for that matter). Think about athletes in the Olympics, they are specialists. They have found their natural ability and developed it to its greatest potential, but that natural ability is usually limited to one skill.

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2.12.2004 10:38 [matko]
oh, tak som to nechcel aby to vyzeralo, do riti :), kamzi vymaz to ak mozes, naformuloval by som to inac :))
teraz k veci, dufam ze trochu anglictiny nezaskodi je to zo stranky http://www.ibreathemusic.com/ co si myslim ze je vcelku dobry site ohladom gitary, lekcii, atd.
Konecne mi to niekto potvrdil, aby som sa sustredil na jeden styl, a nie na milion dalsich, a je to pravda (najradsej by som chcel hral jazz, blues, rock a neviem co este, ale to sa neda, pokial nie ste Steve Morse samozrejme :)
2.12.2004 17:06 [holkoun]
ja mam jednoduchou odpoved na tuto jednoduchou otazku "proc nejsem lepsi kytarista"... "protoze necvicim":-)))
2.12.2004 17:07 [holkoun]
Re: matko
v klidu steve taky neumi hrat vsechno.... ja mam spoustu jeho desek at uz solo nebo s DP nebo s Kansas nebo s Dixie Dregs a muzu ti rict ze jeste ani na jedny sem ho neslysel hrat nu-metal:-D
2.12.2004 18:51 [matko]
Re: holkoun
no, to este asi neskusal :))
2.12.2004 20:35 [montezuma]
Tuto stranku odporucam ,je to perfektna vec. Maju dobre lekcie . Da sa tam najst materialu na celozivotne studium :-)
2.12.2004 20:36 [steve morse]
Myslím si,že dostat do sebe všechny styly hraní na kytaru (klasika,jazz,blues,metal.....),není v silách jednoho člověka.Ovšem dokázat se orientovat v těchto stylech a prakticky umět zahrát něco z těchto technik a stylů je pouze přínos pro kytaristu,ať už se věnuje jakékoliv muzice.PS.Holkoun!Mám od S.Morseho vše co vyšlo,včetně jeho videoškol a "bohužel" mám pocit,že zrovna on porušuje to co tvrdím v první větě.Nu-metal asi nikdy nenahrával a nahrávat nebude,ale pokud by šlo o sázku a on na to přistoupil,asi bychom čuměli!
3.12.2004 15:23 [matko]
Tie lekcie nie su dobre , su perfektne, awesome!!! :)
Jedna z najlepsich stranok co som zatial nasiel!!!
6.12.2004 19:49 [holkoun]
Re: Morse
vse co vyslo?:-) tak to mas plnou skrin jeho cdes...s tim numetalem to samo byla nadsazka:-).... videoskoly zadny teda nemam ale mam jednu jeho /ted nevim jestli sweep picking se menuje ale je o sweepu/ - je to audio + noty..a ucit se z toho nebudu... ten je snad jeste rychlejsi nez Gambale...:-)
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